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LWB issue 974

Goodbye and thanks

by David Gibbs - General Manager

After six-and-a-half years as GM of Queenstown Media Group, it’s time to say farewell. The decision comes with much sadness. The team I’ve worked with at QMG has remained mostly the same over that entire period, which in Queenstown is a feat in itself, and they are an incredibly talented, welcoming bunch, who are passionate about the products they deliver each week, including the Lakes Weekly Bulletin, Queenstown App, the Outlet Podcast, and the Lakes Business Quarterly.

While my reason for leaving is entirely to move to the next stage of life, it’s also without doubt that publishing and media is at the forefront of momentous structural change, which is only accelerating. We’re all witnessing national media shrink as advertising dollars disappear for traditional media and that also impacts us here in Queenstown. The role technology plays is also increasing rapidly, so there comes a time to recognise when your term at the helm is passing, and it’s time for someone with more modern skills than mine.

We’ve certainly experienced more than our fair share of challenges across the years, and I’ve been proud to lead a team willing to embrace these and remain a key part of the town’s media landscape, which has also been a key driver of our success.

This is an incredibly special and unique place. We punch well above our weight delivering an extraordinary experience for visitors and dollars to central government. Many fellow kiwis love to bash Queenstown, not appreciating the role we play in bringing billions in tourism dollars to NZ. And while the pollies love the dollars we create, they’re less enthusiastic about investing to get the region match fit to deliver on the visitor promise into the future. But our “to hell with them, let’s just get on attitude” will see the region continue to be an entrepreneurial powerhouse delivering for visitors and Wellington.

LWB always endeavours to be a voice for our community, and we’ve championed planned growth as good for the region, but we’ve also joined voices calling for investment in everything from homes, decent health, and infrastructure, to a more stable workforce to facilitate the growth.

We are a welcoming community, and most are pretty much on board for growth. We have inspirational leaders with vision who love this place as I do and believe in its future as a global environmental leader. Our entrepreneurial attitude is in Queenstown’s DNA, always has been!

I’ve always experienced enthusiasm from you for what the whole team at QMG is delivering and I hope we’ve been able to tell your stories appropriately.

As I leave QMG this week, I’d like to especially say thank you, our readers, who are so supportive, and most especially the incredible team I’ve worked alongside. Andy, Cat, Ferg, Jess, Kanika, Kylee, Patricia, Paul, Scott, Sue and Brent - you have been an inspiration.

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The Lakes Weekly is part of Queenstown Media Group (QMG).

QMG is Queenstown’s leading locally owned and operated media company with print, online and social platforms that engage locals with what they care about — everything local!

The Lakes Weekly delivers stories and news that connects with local so they come away each week better connected to their community. Advertising sits within this curated content environment, and it’s a trusted relationship between readers and the Lakes Weekly. Advertisers benefit from the association with the LWB brand values.

The Lakes Weekly is hand delivered to every business in Queenstown, Arrowtown, Frankton, Five Mile Remarkables Park and Glenda Drive on Tuesday. Copies are available in service stations, libraries and drop boxes throughout the region and every supermarket throughout the Queenstown basin and Wanaka.

Online the issue is available Monday afternoon, on and the Qtn App.


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