Issue #960

LWB issue 960 online

Shove your tickets

by Jeff Hyltonn

Over the years there has always been scams and schemes and rip off artists who manage to squeeze a few dollars out of many honest people. In Queenstown we have seen our share, and sometimes it takes a while to recognise the offenders.

So, in my opinion, the latest bandits and strong-arm stand over bullies are the license-to-print-money owners and operators of Wilson Parking.

I see a few of you nodding. The charges they invent to put on your vehicle are nothing more than outrageous. An enquiry into this business model would surely deem it illegal and immoral. And I blame the people who hire them.

Yep, our council, Ramada Holdings, medical centres and others who take a cut and we go from $14 park fines to $85 and much more. Wilson have access to all your information and if you don’t pay the bullshit fine then Baycorp the Bailiffs and debt collectors are on your door. No one wants them bulldogs on your back.

Wilson is owned by a Chinese owned company out of Hong Kong, and they are making millions by issuing any number of tickets for whatever dollar value they choose.

This is a callout to those businesses that have hired or contracted to them. You are to blame.

There is an option online under NZTA to opt-out of having your personal info handed to these lowlifes and to allow only the police etc. access. Check it out. It’s time to standup and take the time to say ‘no’.

Surely there’s a lawyer out there who’s recently got a ticket for $120 for buying a $5 coffee and didn’t read the sign that says, ‘no return within 90 mins’. Maybe we can get them to make fines reasonable, if applicable at all, and have multi-millions refunded to law abiding Kiwis. After all, this is a money machine with all the coin going to Hong Kong.

Parking infringement notices are supposed to prevent people doing dangerous things like parking on yellow lines or overstaying in a loading zone, or taking the piss like a lot of town dwellers, but this is a whole new level of taxation so these guys can get even richer.

Come on councillors look at what is happening. Do something.

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