Issue #913

LWB Issue 913 v2

Carpooling. An enviro-friendly congestion killer or just bludgers looking for a free ride?

by Amanda Robinson, The Lightfoot Initiative

It’s likely that no matter who you are or where you’re from, you’ve carpooled. Defined as “an arrangement between people to make a regular journey in a single vehicle”, it’s a North American concept that in Kiwispeak is called “bludging a ride”.

As a self-confessed control freak, I usually find myself in the driver’s seat. Probably because I’m usually carpooling with my two children and their mates to various after-school activities.

Other parents will be familiar with the daily arrangements of transporting their precious bundles to the extra-curricular epicentre of Frankton and will also understand that the level of communication required to get these kids to gymnastics, guitar lessons or jiu jitsu and back again is mind boggling.

In the spirit of enviro-conscious transport, however, we send what feels like 100s of messages each week for the sake of efficiency. We cut congestion, save money and try our best to take a full car out to Frankton. Even teenagers are masters of bludging a ride – like some sort of hormonal hive mind they always seem to find someone going the same direction as them and jump on in.

But for some reason, this all stops when we become grown-ups and get real jobs – even though we should all know by now that taking just one less car trip each week is an achievable way to take action on climate change.

The challenge of carpooling lies in meeting the right match. If you’re Silent Bob in the mornings, you don’t wanna be riding shotgun in the Mirthmobile with Wayne singing Bohemian Rhapsody at 6:45 in the morning. If you’re a time-obsessed clock watcher, an easy-going “time is on a continuum” type will just grind your gears. So, how do you find a ride that works?

Often we already know the right person to carpool with. Whether it be a neighbour or workmate, your future carpool buddy may only be one click away. To find a like-minded commuter, check out Qtown Carpool that recently launched as a private Facebook group.

We’re asking Queenstowners to join the group, post their ride requirements and match with someone local to them. No long-term commitment is required, and we’re encouraging an easy come/easy go approach to experimenting with carpooling. Aim for one day a week to start, and be upfront with your potential carpool buddy. Every carpool partnership starts as a trial and no hard feelings if it doesn’t work out.

Head to to join the group and help keep Queenstown moving.

Visit for more information about what we do.

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