Rates increase on the table

2 minutes read
Posted 18 September, 2024
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Queenstown Lakes ratepayers will face an average rates increase of 15.8 percent for 2024/2025 if councillors adopt the Long-Term Plan at tomorrow’s (Thursday, September 19) full council meeting.

A report prepared by council staff recommends councillors adopt an average rates increase of 15.8 percent - a little above the proposed average increase of 15.6 percent in the draft LTP.

However, there is a silver lining for Upper Clutha ratepayers, whose rates aren’t set to increase as significantly as that.

The draft LTP rates proposal allowed for 3.5 percent growth in the rating database, and while actual growth of 3.3 percent lifts rates for some residents, the impact is not even across the district.

“In Wānaka-Upper Clutha growth has been 4.3 percent meaning the actual rates increase will be lower than forecast,” the report said.

The LTP sets out a council’s spending priorities - including all the services, projects and activities it plans to deliver - over the next ten years, as well as its cost to ratepayers.

Presenting the LTP to councillors tomorrow is the culmination of a long process by the council, first preparing the draft LTP, then undertaking public consultation, holding hearings and amending the LTP to reflect the community input.

A QLDC spokesperson told the Wānaka App last week that, while “there wasn’t a lot of ability to change what we’re able to deliver in the first three years of the draft programme, changes have been recommended as a result of submissions and deliberations…”

“The consultation process was thorough and clearly outlined the challenges and uncertainty council faced while preparing the draft ten-year programme,” he said.

As well as the LTP and the adoption of rates, councillors will consider another nine agenda items at tomorrow’s meeting.

Among them is a review of the navigation safety bylaw, an update to the Longview Special Housing Area deed, and two public excluded items, including a performance review for QLDC chief executive Mike Theelen.

The full council meeting will take place at the Council Chambers in Queenstown at 1pm.


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