Whakatipu Reforestation Trust's new ops manager

2 minutes read
Posted 7 August, 2024
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WRT ops manager Sararose Brown

Conservationist and long-term local Sararose Brown has been appointed as the new Operations Manager for the Whakatipu Reforestation Trust (WRT).

It was a call made years ago to the Trust to discuss “planting a few natives” on a DoC reserve in front of her Arthur’s Point house that eventually led Brown to her new role.

Brown was convinced by the Trust’s Jo Smith to think bigger for regreening the reserve, and started attending nursery volunteer sessions and planting days to learn more.

“A few natives” turned into 3500 under the committed hands of Brown and other community volunteers from KAPOW (Keeping Arthur’s Point’s Original Wildlife).

Brown has continued as a dedicated volunteer with the Trust and has also worked alongside Barb and Neill Simpson on their private restoration projects which she describes as a “real privilege and an incredible learning opportunity.”

“My practical experience in planning projects, finding funding and establishing and maintaining planting sites will be really helpful. Knowing my way around a shovel will no doubt come in handy, too,” she says.

The role focuses on delivery of the Trust’s strategy of restoring native biodiversity to the Whakatipu Basin, including organising volunteer planting days and maintaining strong relationships with our partners.

“I’m looking forward to spending more dedicated time on conservation. Voluntary work is often carried out in snatched moments of spare time. It’s good to be part of the bigger picture in this role.”

WRT Chair Katherine Durman says Sararose thoroughly understands the 'why' of the Trust's work, and also the 'how'.

"The restoration work happening at Arthurs Point is testament to her experience," Durman says.

"She has seen the regeneration possible in a local space by a committed few so we're excited to see her get to work on our keystone sites.”

Brown says she doesn’t like to play favourites with the keystone sites but if she had to pick one, it would be Lake Hayes South.

“I just love visiting it with the kids on a bike ride in summer and going for a swim around the corner. The growth there seems particularly amazing and you see different plants establishing there, like the kahikatea,” she says.

“I’m looking forward to getting more plants in the ground by growing the keystone sites and supporting other communities like KAPOW, so that they can be empowered to regenerate their own neighbourhoods.

Brown is also looking forward to supporting the education goals of the Trust through the Educate for Nature programme in our local schools.

“Personally I think it is the biggest impact we can have, teaching our next generation of conservationists.”


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