Empowering artists in Queenstown – CLASS grants now open

1 minute read
Posted 30 July, 2024
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Remarks Dance Crew, a non-profit hip-hop crew in Queenstown NZ who run classes and perform locally, are one of the groups supported by CLASS grants. Photo: Facebook

Applications are now open for the Central Lakes Arts Support Scheme (CLASS) grants. This initiative, set up in 2008 by the Central Lakes Trust (CLT), aims to foster and promote the arts at a local level.

CLASS grants support a wide range of artistic activities, including music and dance performances, art classes and workshops, concerts, visual arts exhibitions, film festivals, and theatre and music productions. Funding may also be used towards the purchase or hire of necessary equipment.

"We are committed to supporting the cultural richness of our region through initiatives like the CLASS grants," Mat Begg, Grants Manager of CLT, says. "These grants not only empower local arts organisations but also enrich the lives of residents by providing access to diverse artistic experiences."

CLASS grants are managed by the local arts councils, with Creative Queenstown looking after projects in the Wakatipu and Arrowtown Wards, excluding Kingston. Local organisations that have benefited from this grant include Remarks Dance Crew, Community Sing, the Queenstown Multicultural Festival, and Adventures in Wool.

Organisations can apply for up to $2,500 per project per annum.

To apply for a CLASS grant for a project in the Wakatipu and Arrowtown Wards, excluding Kingston, contact Jan Maxwell at Creative Queenstown, Jan.Maxwell@qldc.govt.nz


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