2 minutes read
Posted 26 October, 2022

Winter Pride director Marty King is always happy to pick up the phone and speak to a journalist. And his openness is paying dividends for what is the largest LGBTTQI+ festival in the Southern Hemisphere.

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4 minutes read
Posted 26 October, 2022

He’s believed to be Queenstown’s longest serving downtown restaurateur clocking up more than 30 years, and Graham McCarthy has certainly proved his Christchurch lawyer wrong.

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3 minutes read
Posted 26 October, 2022

Jennifer Belmont might just have the most rewarding job in Queenstown Lakes. As founding trustee and CEO of the Wakatipu Community Foundation, she’s at the centre of an organism that helps people help others, creating a snowball effect in New Zealand’s ski resort tourism capital.

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4 minutes read
Posted 26 October, 2022

It’s a crazy time to be alive. Paradigm-shifting, some might say. And so we gather, as a community, to navigate our way to a better future. The Wao Summit is a six day festival in the Southern Lakes dedicated to creating long term social and environmental change, and it’s back this October. Run by sustainability non-profit Wao Aotearoa, the summit is in its fifth year and gathering momentum.

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2 minutes read
Posted 26 October, 2022

Staffing remains the number one priority for Queenstown business with demand above pre-Covid levels. The latest JobFix data report shows there were 3,226 jobs advertised in the July-September quarter.

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The Lakes Weekly is hand delivered to every business in Queenstown, Arrowtown, Frankton, Five Mile Remarkables Park and Glenda Drive on Tuesday. Copies are available in service stations, libraries and drop boxes throughout the region and every supermarket throughout the Queenstown basin and Wanaka.

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