
2 minutes read
Posted 15 August, 2024
Policeman v23

Attempted break in and threatening bus drivers

A 40-year-old man of no fixed abode has been remanded in custody until 7 October after attempting to get into a locked vehicle and threatening two bus drivers at Remarkables Park Shopping Centre just before 5pm on Saturday, 10 August. Constable Amanda Shute says after attempting to get into the locked vehicle the man then went to a nearby bus stop and threatened two bus drivers. He pleaded guilty in the Queenstown District Court to two charges of speaking threateningly and one of unlawfully interfering with a motor vehicle and the judge remanded him in custody for sentencing. Police investigations were continuing in relation to further charges connected to other offending. 

Repeat disqualified driver

A 39-year-old Queenstown male driver was stopped by Police in Frankton at 6.35pm, on Monday, 12 August, just three days after he’d been disqualified from driving. The vehicle was impounded, and the driver charged with driving while disqualified. He is due to appear in the Queenstown District Court on 6 September.

Warrant check produces bag of cannabis

A routine stop for an expired warrant of fitness at 10:40am on Saturday, 10 August, saw a local 46-year-old man charged with possession of cannabis plant. Shute says Police smelt cannabis in the vehicle and a search located a sandwich bag of cannabis inside. The man will appear in the Queenstown District Court on 19 August.

Late night drink driving

A 20-year-old Queenstown woman allegedly blew almost 700mcg/l (692mcg/l) after she was stopped by Police driving on Turner Street at 4.16am on Friday, 9 August, Shute says. The woman’s driver’s licence was suspended for 28 days and she was charged with driving with a breath alcohol level over 400mcg/l breath. She will appear in the Queenstown District Court on 6 September.

Other drink driving matters:

10/08/2024 14.36pm – 66-year-old Queenstown male, 400mcg/l. Forbidden from driving for 12 hours, infringement noticed issued.

14/08/2024 12.28am- 25-year-old Queenstown male, 348mcg/l. Forbidden from driving for 12 hours, infringement noticed issued.

Police also want to notify the public that the Queenstown Police Station in Camp Street is now closed during weekends until further notice. 

Avalanche warning

Meanwhile, the NZ Mountain Safety Council, along with SAR and Alpine Cliff Rescue teams, are reminding skiers and snowboarders to take good backcountry precautions when leaving patrolled, marked ski area boundaries. There were at least three avalanches near skifields, mostly in the South Island, last weekend. One was in the Craigieburn Range just outside Porter’s Ski Area where a skier triggered the avalanche and was caught in its path, managing to escape without injury.



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